
Earthquake geology – insights from post-earthquake surveys of the EMERGEO Team (INGV) – referat online

Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w wykładzie online pod tytułem “Earthquake geology – insights from post-earthquake surveys of the EMERGEO Team (INGV)” , który wygłosi dr Paolo Marco De Martini. Wykład stanowi część serii “AMU Invited Lecture Series in Geohazards I” organizowanej przez Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w ramach programu IDUB. Tematyka jest szczególnie aktualna w kontekście tragicznego trzęsienia ziemi w Turcji i w Syrii w ubiegłym miesiącu. Wykład odbędzie się w czwartek o godzinie 16:30 na platformie MS Teams (link: Link do wykładu MS Teams ). W przypadku problemów link jest dostępny od dra Krzysztofa Pleskota (krzypl@amu.edu.pl). Wykład i otwarta dyskusja po wykładzie będą w języku angielskim.

Informacja o wykładowcy i wykładzie:

Dr. Paolo Marco De Martini serves as the National Coordinator of the geologic emergency group of INGV, EMERGEO (https://emergeo.ingv.it/). He has much expertise in earthquake geology, paleoseismology, tectonics, and tsunami geology. He employed various methods, including field-based surveys (quick post-earthquake surveys), seismological observations, sedimentology, geodesy, and sediment dating. He is mainly interested in the Quaternary history of the Mediterranean Region. He works on a meeting point of pure basic science and applied science in service of earthquake hazard reduction.

The abstract of the lecture:

The EMERGEO working group deals with the survey of the superficial coseismic geological effects produced by earthquakes and tsunamis on the natural environment in Italy and in the Mediterranean area. Emergeo is activated in concert with the other INGV emergency groups in the hours immediately following the event by sending teams of expert personnel who patrol the epicentral area, or the coastal areas in the event of a tsunami, and transmit the information to the headquarters. The most common coseismic effects are superficial faulting, fracturing, liquefaction, landslides and collapses while as far as tsunamis are concerned, the effects are related to the transport and deposition of sediments in coastal areas, both on land and at sea, and to the modelling/modification of geomorphological forms.

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